PictureGerry, Grethel, Carson, Quin, and Me
Time flies! I can't believe i have been here for 2 months already . I’m so bless being here and really enjoy making new friends, learning new stuffs and exposing myself to a different environment and lifestyle even sometimes I don’t understand much of what is going on. I still have to figure out when to laugh with people when they joke! More interestingly, Gerry & Grethel have a about-two- years old grandson, Quin. He doesn't understand my English and I don't understand his either. The only way we communicate is using this word " Erk Er or Uk Oh" and that's it! But its been great fun! We've moved into a new house several weeks ago and it's good house.

PictureMission of Hope- Food distribution
I have been now involved with several activities such as leadership meetings, different Bible studies & discussions, youth group, small group, prayer meeting, and mission of hope ( a reaching out ministry) and other activities. I’m very blessed to spend time on one-to-one with several leaders over here where I can ask questions, discuss, and learn from their experience. A model of apprentice is such a great thing!  Furthermore, it was so great to join Newsfrontier USA conference last week where I met new different leaders across the States . Building connection and friendship is always fun! Who knows in the future what could turn out from a mere discussion about football/soccer today?

PictureMaking my own Pizza
I also like my 4F model (Food, Fun, Friendship, Future). It simply means be interested in the person, finding a way to get to know each other by having food or fun together and then learn from them through listening & sharing about life. It's actually become my good school!

Recently, i get to know an American-Cambodian friend who has been here since 1975. He could speak Khmer and he took me to visit his mom who speaks Khmer fluently.It's so good to spend time with them and to speak our own language (Khmer) without having to think or worrying about any mistakes. My brain feels relieves straight away. Speaking another language all the time can be tiring for your brain.

PictureView of tree in the Fall
It's been so good to experience 3 different weather in a single visit. I arrived at the end of Summer where it was sunny and then the Fall comes in where it rains and wet and gradually tree change color and look so pretty. And winter is coming soon where the Sun is on holiday. I hope to see snow too! I might become a snow man myself by then and will have to be shipped back home in a box...!

10/29/2013 02:35:43 am

How great to hear that you enjoying time over there. blessing to you brother. say hi and big hug to the people there for me ha

10/29/2013 08:20:27 am

Thanks brother. Gerry, Grethel, and other people here think about you and really appreciate your heart in serving the church over there. Keep in touch brother and hope to see you again sometime in the future.

10/29/2013 11:19:47 am

I was read it and i laugh my self my friend. I really like your blog. Lol..........

10/30/2013 09:45:07 am

What make you laugh my friend?


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